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Let’s talk about how we can help you
with your brand.


At TokyoBrandHouse, our Logo Design Service is more than just crafting eye-catching visual symbols. It’s about creating an emblem that encapsulates the very essence of your brand, a mark that tells your unique story to the world. Our logo designs are meticulously crafted to serve as the visual cornerstone of your brand identity.

Why Our Logo Design Service Stands Out:

Strategic Brand Alignment

We delve deep into your brand’s DNA, understanding your values, mission, and vision. Our logos are strategically designed to align perfectly with your brand’s personality.

Timeless Appeal

A logo should withstand the test of time. We create designs that remain relevant and appealing for years to come.


Your logo will be used in a variety of media and contexts. Our designs are versatile, ensuring they look stunning in print, digital, signage, and more.


Whether you’re a startup or a well-established brand, our logos scale to meet your needs, reflecting your growth and evolution.

Memorable Impact

A great logo is memorable. We craft logos that leave a lasting impression, ensuring your brand stays in the hearts and minds of your audience.

Visual Simplicity

Simplicity is key to recognition. Our logos are elegant and straightforward, making them instantly recognizable and versatile across various applications.

Unique Creativity

Each logo we create is a unique work of art. We don’t rely on templates or generic solutions. Your brand deserves a logo as distinctive as it is.

The SEO Advantage:

Incorporating a professionally designed logo from TokyoBrandHouse into your website can significantly boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rating. Search engines, like Google, prioritize websites with well-designed, relevant, and engaging content. A beautifully crafted logo not only enhances your website’s aesthetics but also improves user engagement and the overall user experience.

Our logos are optimized for digital display, ensuring fast loading times and compatibility with various devices. This enhances your website’s performance, a key factor in SEO rankings.

Moreover, logos serve as a visual representation of your brand. They are more likely to be shared across the web, generating backlinks and references that contribute positively to your SEO.

By choosing TokyoBrandHouse for your logo design, you’re not only investing in a striking brand symbol but also in an SEO-friendly asset that elevates your online presence.

Let us help you tell your brand’s story, boost your brand identity, and improve your SEO with a unique, professionally designed logo. Your brand deserves the best, and TokyoBrandHouse is here to deliver it.

Create a story
for your brand

By tapping into the story and history behind a brand or product, we approach the creation of film, photography, editorial content in a way that resonates emotionally with the audience.
Our Mission is to deliver innovative solutions that help simplify business processes, build brand awareness and grow market share.


About how we can help you with your brand.